The Centennial Gallery
On January 31st 2023 we salute Rear-Admiral Walter Hose, who was the driving force behind the creation of the Naval Reserve Réserve navale in Canada. He was a Royal Navy Officer who transferred to the Royal Canadian Navy. Rear-Admiral Hose had served with
Royal Navy Reservists from Newfoundland during the First World War, and he was very impressed with their seamanship skills.
He wanted to establish a Naval Reserve Force to augment the Royal Canadian Navy, but met resistance at all levels.
After years of tireless effort by Rear-Admiral Hose, the Government of Canada authorized the organization of a Force to be called the Royal Canadian Navy
Volunteer Reserve on January 31st, 1923.
Now, 100 years later, the current 24 Naval Reserve Divisions celebrate this centennial. Click on the name of the NRD below to see how they marked the